Brain Training Apps

octa g

Octa g and IQ-EQ-BioQ (Gx) Models of g

Review of 2015-2020 Meta-Analyses and Randomized Controlled Trails on Brain Training for Improving Cognition

Grades of evidence ‘Evidence-based’ brain training can mean many things. Cherry picking studies to back up claims for diets, health programs, and brain training is common place. Take virtually any claim and there will be some ‘evidence’ for it.  The highest grade of evidence is the meta-analyses or systematic review of randomized controlled trials, followed by randomized control studies. […]


The Gf-CODE Cognitive Training Framework

This article provides an introduction to the Gf-CODE cognitive training approach that I am adopting with my IQ Mindware apps. . It is inspired by a number of brain training studies published in late 2018 and 2019. Two of these are meta-analyses looking at all relevant studies to date. Meta-analyses enable us to draw ‘state […]

Review of 2014-2015 Meta-Analyses on Working Memory Training for IQ and Working Memory

For some quick definitions, general intelligence (g) is how smart we are, a single factor underlying our general cognitive ability. Working memory is our ‘mental workspace’ that stores and processes task-relevant information. It is the interface between the current focus of attention and long-term memories. interface between the current focus of attention and long-term memories. Executive control is our […]

Research Ethics For Computerized Cognitive Training Interventions

Stanford Center for Longevity and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, in Berlin, released “A Consensus on the Brain-Training Industry From the Scientific Community,” (2013) a statement objecting “to the claim that brain games offer consumers a scientifically grounded avenue to reduce or reverse cognitive decline.” 70 psychology, neuroscience, and gerontology professors in the […]